Part 92: Daybreak's Bell (Part 2, 3)

We join our chapter already in progress as the four Meisters catch up to the Ptolemy. They seem to have made it...

just in time. Or did they? Ali says he was laying in wait for the Gundams. His employer, you see, would very much like them out of the picture. "Prioritize them," he quotes, "over all else, even GOONZ."
Sounds like his employer is the Celestial Being traitor himself. He wants to see the Gundams wrecked so bad he'll send the entire U. N. Forces against all of GOONZ.
And the Ptolemy is sound, but its maneuvering is knocked out; it's dead in the water. Sumeragi orders the Meisters to defend the Ptolemy and focus on the Gundam Throne. Let's shoot this warmonger down!

(Hallelujah's back to lend a hand again.)

So yeah, it's just the four Gundams against all of Ali's soldiers - and it's Setsuna and Lockon I need to keep safe.

It's a good thing the Gundams start on all four sides of the Ptolemaios, the optimal arrangement for a cast of Rouse; they've been started with some Will, but every advantage helps.

It's also worth pointing out that the Ptolemy can't move, but it can execute repairs on adjacent units.

That heal was worth a ton of experience, but the important thing is that Sumeragi learns Awaken, completing the ship's Spirit list.

Lockon's Haro learns Panic...

Thanks, Setsuna! Ali drops an Autorepair Machine.

Lockon passes out and the Dynames drifts away... but there's something else on approach!

A tremendous golden craft with Alejandro at the helm, and very impressed that we managed to fight off Ali even with the odds stacked against us. Chris reports that the thing is equipped with multiple knockoff solar furnaces. All thirty the U.N. had are accounted for, so whoever's in that one has his own source - in fact, he's probably their source.

A quick lookup shows that Mr. Corner is an ambassador to the U. N. So this is the man who pulls the strings of the UNF from the shadows...

Feldt has been calling for Lockon this entire time, but unfortunately, Sumeragi needs her attention on the battlefield right now. Alejandro demands that we power down our weapons and pledge loyalty to him - "the one who is carrying on the will of Aeolia Schhenberg.

Alejandro cannot believe we made it through all that firepower, and GOONZ cannot believe he's such a shit. He may be U. N., but we know that Celestial Being wants peace, just like GOONZ does. And even if they started out like terrorists, they changed in their pursuit of world peace.
Well, that's a shame, because Alejandro was going to induct GOONZ into the UNF for our heroism.
Crowe asks after Lockon; Sumeragi says we have to shoot that thing down if we want a chance to recover him in time.

So all I need to do is shoot down the "Alvatore."

Coming off of bosses like Zuul, Alejandro has nothing going for him other than brute force. He has a lot of HP (that doesn't regenerate) and no interesting skills, not even Genius. None of his weapons inflicts so much as Mobility Down.

He sits at the west end of the map, right where GOONZ is and where Setsuna can be pretty quickly.

GOONZ comes in with a good amount of Will as well, and you may have noticed it's an uncharacteristic Gundam party in here.

No rush, though, so I'm going to get them to try to rendezvous with the Ptolemy. It's not like the Taurus put up any resistance of note.

Setsuna's damage bonus against GN-Xs is still stupid, though.

This dumb machine isn't even super fast.

Can't you tell when I'm trying to drag you towards my ship because it can't move? Rude.

Come on.

Not with that firepower you won't.

Yet another turn, and he's just one square out of the Ptolemy's range, this is dumb. I'm actually impressed he has dialogue for Sumeragi given that I have to work this hard to see it. (I kind of thought Rasse would have Snipe. Nope.)

And now he's just going to fire on Sumeragi from nine squares away.

No damage.
Now I can actually start on him. Don't say I never did anything for you.

There's one thing about the Alvatore: it has a supercharged GN Field that neutralizes attacks that do less than 5000 damage.

I think that's everybody who is just too underused to have any hope of cracking that thing.

I should point out that every pilot who has Attack Again has had the opportunity to Attack Again. Come on, Alejandro.
And finally...

And, even though the bulk of the Alvatore's reward comes from its carried treasure of 50000 G - don't leave home without Bless.

I really don't have enough money, do I?
Alejandro can't believe that he stacked the deck against GOONZ so thoroughly and they've foiled him at every turn. Even now, though, he insists that he has merely taken over Aeolia's plan, not changed it - in the name of "destruction and reconstruction." Celestial Being's plan to destroy all arms would only lead the world to destruction, he claims. It happened to be at the hands of the Imperium, but their rampage of destruction also brought forth growth in the form of unification. Under his watch, of course. The only thing we can say is wrong with his vision for the new world is that we have no place in it! He is already effectively commanding the world through his control of Veda, and that includes a plan to fight the Imperium, though he refuses to say what that card could be...

He tries to fly away, faster than any GOONZ can keep up with (where was this speed when I was trying to bait him, anyway?), but...

Lockon's awake!

He shoots down a solar furnace...

Giving Setsuna the chance to go after him. Alejandro continues fleeing, and Lockon yells at Setsuna, the pilot of their one counter-Gundam Gundam, to go after him.

Alejandro still thinks he can escape and regroup while we're distracted by reinforcements.

He's pretty wrong.
Alejandro insists that Setsuna is in the wrong here, for trying to destroy while the world is healing. Setsuna knows that Lockon was right, that he can only destroy... but at least he can try to destroy what's wrong with the world!

He wrecks the Alvatore, but that only reveals what Alejandro had hidden inside it: the Alvaaron, an ace in the hole Alejandro didn't expect to have to play. And with GOONZ tied up by his reinforcements, all he has to do is take down Exia to escape. How hard can that be?

Funny story about that.

And that's another 50k bounty.

Seen it.

And at the very end, Ribbons calls to let Alejandro know before he goes that this was all according to plan - not Aeolia's Plan, but Ribbons'. He does appreciate the world being nicely wrapped up for him.

And that's the end of Alejandro Corner.

GOONZ' ships arrive just in time for the aftermath; the other Meisters explain that while the other Gundams were equipped with GN weaponry, only Exia had a physical blade of metal - just in case the Plan went off its rails and something was needed to fight against another Gundam with a GN Field. That's why Lockon sent Setsuna to follow Alejandro.

Dynames flies in, but only the Haro responds to the others, repeating Lockon's name over and over again. No one needs to be told what it means...

Treize has come to pick us up, and he's got someone else with him we might want to talk to...


Meanwhile, in Azadistan, Setsuna's letter has made it to...
"Marina Ismail. I send this message as our battle draws to its close. To end war by force of arms... all I could do was fight for Celestial Being, but you gave me a reason to fight. Just like when... when I was a young boy in Kurzhistan and I saw that Gundam. I wanted to know... why was the world so twisted? Where did that distortion come from? Why can people not help but do evil? Why must people rule and be ruled, hurt and be hurt... and why do they struggle to live on? I wanted to know, and I thought you could tell me. I thought you, who follows the same goal by a different path, could tell me how people could understand one another. And afterwards, I kept searching with the Gundam."

Relena is listening too, and she thinks she knows just how Marina feels. A boy she knows is probably going through the same struggle as Marina's Celestial Being friend.
All the world's governments have joined hands, and humanity's enemies are soon to be banished. But after that, will there really be peace? Relena doesn't have an answer, but she knows it's their duty to keep searching. And she herself believes that because of Heero Yuy.

Sirin is going to introduce the new U. N. ambassador, and Marina asks Relena to stay. She'll need her help to save her country, and Relena can't say no.
Oh, but the ambassador?

She introduces herself as Diana Soleil...

Lockon... he's been talking about his penance for a long time, but it still feels like too soon. They're this close to saving the world, and he won't be there with them...

Elgan and Treize spill everything about how Alejandro played Celestial Being and the U. N., and that Treize and Schneizel el Britannia were working with him. Aeolia's plan was to unite the world against Celestial Being, but when the Imperium showed up, Alejandro chose to take advantage of it - though it's still not clear whether he was ever following the original spirit of the plan. Anyway, Alejandro betrayed his co-conspirators, Treize and Schneizel, who really were trying to bring the world together, setting off a chain of events that culminated in the battle that just ended.
Elgan admits that he only became aware of the trio recently; Treize and Schneizel were on his side, but they didn't want to risk openly backing up GOONZ and losing their own standings to Alejandro. Now that he's out of the picture, the Chairman will once again help us bring about a proper new world.

Sumeragi slaps him. Hard.
She may agree with his judgment and his actions, but those actions still cost GOONZ one of their own. Zero, meanwhile, can't figure out what's still bothering him about Elgan. All the actions that had GOONZ suspicious of him have just been explained, but he can't shake a nagging doubt. "Elgan Roddick... his vision is not of a unified world. His sight is cast much further out... what is it? Something more than peace..."

Rasse runs in to call Sumeragi urgently to the bridge. The Quarter has detected a huge swarm of Imáge has appeared at the south pole. "So it's begun," mutters Elgan. "Beware, GOONZ. Where the Imáge are, they will come. The Imperium is about to move."

I'm sorry, but the last thing to come on screen is a new equippable Haro.